Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Night at Our House

Dad is busy studying for an exam, and Riley already knows all the material (he's Harvard bound) so he just wants to stare at the camera.

This leaves me free to catch up on trashy tv and work on our social calendar. Speaking of trashy tv -- I read Reality Steve's spoiler blog for the Bachelor series (disclaimer: it can become additcting). Tonight I saw a familiar logo pop up at the top of the page: Sea Island. Now you know where your dues are going... they are being put towards advertising on Reality Steve's Bachelor spoilers blog. I couldn't believe it!

On another note, now that we are back from the holidays, we have lots of fun things to plan. Last Saturday, we went out to dinner and watched an NFL playoff game with my friend Adam from home along with some of his med school resident friends. Sunday, we got to meet baby Cate Schneider (and Krissy gave me some maternity clothes... winning! Between her and Anne, I have really lucked out!). This weekend, we are planning to get together with Christie, Matt and Annabelle Millis, and next weekend we are going to hang out with Laura and Scott Johnson. Columbus couples everywhere! We need to get in touch with the Grants soon to plan our evening with them. Lauren and I are starting a Stitch n' Bitch spinoff, Minneapolis style. I found a Groupon for a class at Make it Sew and we are going to do it together. Lauren has a sewing machine she got for Christmas 2010 that is still in the box, so she is the supply house. Or we may try quilting. I'll just bring the booze (after June). It may be called "Ditch n' Bitch"... because we're ditching our husbands for the night. Not sure, club name needs some work.

Early to bed tonight... exciting doctor appointment in the morning -- 20 week ultrasound!

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