Friday, September 16, 2011

Log Rollers

While biking around Lake Calhoun, we stumbled upon a new sport to us: log rolling. There was such a crowd we had to stop to see what was so entertaining.

The girls were first, and they seemed to be a pretty fair match against one another.

The competition was good, and when blondie #1 managed to win the match by rolling blondie #2 off the log into the water, they hugged it out.

This sport is complete with live commentary from underneath the tent! Good city views in the background.

The boys weren't quite as entertaining. The yellow kid just couldn't manage to stay on. The commentator mentioned he was from Wisconsin -- a long way to travel to lose within just a few seconds!

If they would have opened the tournament to the public, we would have tried. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

  1. WOW what fun! Who knew that people rolled on logs for fun!!
