Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy ANTiversary!!

We celebrated one year of marital bliss on July 24. And the day was spent just how I pictured it should be: moving into a new house, pulling weeds and cursing at the internet -- which still didn't work 3 days after we had it activated.

We woke up that morning, and being the dutiful wife I am, I decided to make my husband coffee and take it to him in bed (no applause needed). I went downstairs to find that my kitchen had been taken over... by ANTS. I made the mistake of leaving a bag of pita chips on the counter -- the bag was closed mind you -- but I guess it was feeding time because a whole darn colony had infiltrated. I wet a paper towel and tried to wipe some from the couter into the sink, but they must have been wearing water wings and life vests because none of them would drown.

We had to take matters into our own hands. We identified their point of entry as a gap between the counter and the wall (call us Sherlock and Watson) and went to Target to buy Raid and caulk to fill the gap. They didn't have a chance.

Romantic, I know. Can't wait to see what next year brings.

Happy anniversary!

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